Alcohol is one of the most difficult problems of modern society. Alcohol's effect on the body of a subject of discourse among academics from a variety of specializations, so try to find out the reasons for the rapid growth of the disease, the ways of people on how to be removed from this state, as well as the risk factors for the development of a tendency towards regular use of alcoholic beverages.

First, alcohol causes changes in the internal organisation are not characterized by a sharp violation of their functionality. Over a period of time, however, the effects of alcohol on the human is increased, which leads to no acute abnormalities in the functioning of the vital systems of the body, the break in the chain of the complex mechanisms of neurohumoral regulation.
The characteristics of the mechanism of action of the
Alcohol, How to do to the body? Once in the stomach, alcohol is almost a lightning-quick absorbed into the blood stream. Few people know, however, the ghosts begin to decompose in your mouth, so that the blood saturated with alcohol from the first minutes of its contact with the body. Starting From this point, the harmful effects of alcohol on the human body. About 20% of the alcohol is neutralized by the enzyme in the liver-dehydrogenase-alcohol, containing added spirit, off the toxins of the substance.
The majority of the alcohol continues to work in the small intestine. That is, if there is any spirit of pride, in the water of the surface of the body, and then partly excreted by the sweat, the urine, and in Scandinavia similarly, the partially oxidized in a few days, it accumulate in the majority of the body. In the same period of time, the alcohol acts as a toxin, slowly poisoning all the cells in the body, affecting the development of the human being, the mental state, in his or her operation of the system of internal structures.
The effects of alcohol on the systems of the bodies of the
The harmful effects of alcohol on the human body are reflected not only in impaired function of the brain, in the liver. Alcohol has a negative effect on the spirits of trades] of the organs in the systems of the human body. In conclusion, the regular use of alcohol, to completely destroy the model of the normal functioning of the patient, the catastrophic impact on the whole of his life, in a way, one of the leading causes of death among people of working age.
The effect on the psyche
Probably each of us knows the effect of alcohol on the human psyche. Heavy drinkers, people may experience hallucinations, overwhelming anxiety, apathy, depression. Alcoholics completely lost "me". These people become antisocial, take a little bit of attention to their appearance, not in the more care about the everyday human concerns, worries, family, etc.

The effects of alcohol on the human body
Depends on the level of Each of the specific characteristics of the symptoms of distinctive. All of the 4.
The phase of the first is characterized by a gradual increase in intake of alcohol, the creation of a dependency in the effect of alcohol on a psychological level.
In the second stage, there is a desire to increase the dose of alcohol. Dependence develops, on the physical level.
The third - the destruction of the physical, in the psycho-emotional level, the occurrence of dementia.
The fourth stage is not treatable in the water is not the death of a dependent. The failure of The systems of the body to the grave.
25 reasons not to drink
A lot of people, I don't see anything wrong with drinking alcohol in the evening, on weekends, or during holiday periods. But a lot of people who have a sense of proportion in the power of the will. The harmless at the first glance, the hobby turns into a habit. In this paper, we provide 25 reasons for the rejection of the alcohol, the talk about the dangers of the impact of alcohol on the human body.
- Alcohol is the cause of many diseases, meanness, lack of discipline, wasted talent, no sense, and conflicts in poverty.
- It's hard to find a greater evil than the spirit, which is so persistent in the relentless break down the health of millions of people, so the drama should have destroyed all of the tissues of the organs of the human body (especially the brain cortex), to the mind, in the personality of the person, which over time, early don't die. The insidiousness of this poison is that, prior to the heavy consequences of the dangers of alcohol, which does not come immediately, but you don't notice.
- On the impact of alcohol on the lives of the person telling the following facts: 50 percent of the accidents, 1/3 of suicides, and 80 per cent of all deaths due to cancer of the oral cavity into the esophagus due to alcohol abuse.
- As a result of the research carried out by the use of the latest technology, the Australian scientists have come to no conclusion, that while alcoholics in a moderate of users, is to reduce gradually the shrinkage of the brain. The glass of alcoholic beverages is destroying our brains 1000-2000 cells. These data, therefore, were within the certified 95% of the alcoholics in 85% of the moderate users.
- Studies have shown that the probability that a person has a healthy supply of 15-fold less than the non-drinking, the death rate of children is 5 times higher, the incidence of which is increased in 3.5 times (keep in mind we are talking just about the drinking, not alcoholics). Alcohol affects children even before njihovim was born. Even in families of moderate drinkers of alcohol by infants with delayed development, mental retardation, and even of the dead. Because of the dependence on the alcohol, the drugs, the women, in America alone each and every day, each of the thousands of premature babies. Drinking with the parents as the worst of the thieves of a theft from their own children the happiness of the future, of discovery, of happiness, of living the full life of the F. G. Uglova for.
- Chicken Try to the eggs, showed the following: 160 the eggs in the incubator warehouse is in the basement, which has been brewed alcohol. Alcohol is a function of the time. When the time has come, we have the following result: the Chicks hatched, only half of them, 40 of them, it makes sense, the 25 mutants (no beak, no claws, etc.).
- If you are suffering from the human genetic code, the danger of a whole generation. In our times, the violation of a code of 96%, is the result of a variety of drugs (alcohol, cigarettes, other drugs).
- Alcohol as a drug [spirits of the craft] to harmful forms in to all of dose to the human body, it serves as a or herbal cannabis, morphine, that is, it creates the illusion of goodness, in happiness, which brings about irreversible damages, such as any of the other poison.
- According to the world health organization (world Health Organization), every third person on earth to die from causes related to alcohol consumption, one-fifth from causes related to Smoking. So, from these causes in Russia, we've lost nearly half a million people a year, 20 times the number of victims of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.
- The ban for more than 10 years successfully active in what the nato-Russia council. During this period of time to reduce the number of patients discharged number, to bring peace to the families, the homes appeared to be in decline. All of this information, it is possible to use in the great medical encyclopedia of many of the scientific part of the time.
- Some of the inveterate drunks to Ensure that after drinking, you feel relieved, it is just a clean-guile due to the paralysis of the center of attention in self-control. When receiving a dose either of alcohol, to fall into a state of euphoria, and in him to all, even to his own condition, which is shown in pink. In fact, the consumption of alcohol in any amount for only aggravated by the process brings a risk to the health of the people .
- It is no wonder that people say, "a River starts with a trickle, in a drunkenness with the wine glasses". I think about this situation. From the standpoint of infectiousness, in the habit of not drinking, and the dangerous drunkards in alcoholics, as it is to look at them, no one is going to have a desire to imitate them. More and more infectious as those who drink "moderately", "arts", who drink, "the observation of a", etc., and unfortunately, in our media, it's a good "working" trdi, to ensure that the broad the tempting to provide the meal. A few of the movies, without the glasses, to a sumptuous banquet the toasts. People are happy to drink these toasts, it is almost a mystic, relying on the fact that it is roasted or glass bonding — is a method for the implementation of the surest cherished dreams. The children become spectators in the of the witness, and then the accomplices of the consumption of anti-alcohol, since they imitate their parents, on a subconscious level.
- Many researchers have shown that if a child is to ask them to play a birthday party or in the wedding party, it is prohibited to reproduce, to copy the properties of the games of the adults, the meal — to sit at a common table, open bottles, clink glasses, say a toast, go for the fragile. A study of 100 boys, one in kindergarten, was found to be 97% of the children, is well explained by drunkenness. The kindergarten age is already have an opinion on alcohol as a special, obligatory during the celebrations of the gathering, an attractive simbol adulthood. Do not forget that, in 11-12, which is rather formed by the stable stereotypes about the relationship, not drunkenness. Thus, a copy of your parents ' loved ones.
- Teenagers have to assert yourself to those who will no longer have to drink. In the absence of such companies, which is cultivated in the euphoria. Young people, who, as the result alcohol of his ideas on courage, manhood, adulthood, support each other to cause the drunker as the person who shouts louder, or the laughing cries of the germans, who, swagger more. The behavior of many, flashy, demonstrative, hysterical. Usually included loud music, a complete destructive behavior.
- According to the statistics, i.e., on average, live 10 to 15 years of age, respectively). Smokers, for 8 years. The direct share of harmful effects of alcohol on the human body.
- If the short answer to the question of why people drink, I have to say, I drink it because it is a medication that is often advertised on the free sale. The drinks, since it is made legalizirovat the alcohol used in the ss sold at a bargain price.
- There is a misconception that alcohol should be taken "for fun". I really have fun in a laugh — a very important moment in my life. They put to rest, and not to the brain, distracting thoughts from everyday worries than strengthen the nervous system, which is working to prepare a new in the care. But the laughter in the game is useful only in those cases when the person is sober. The drunken revelry is not possible to be scientific in the sense the understanding of the situation. The drunken "fun" is no other than to excite anesthesia anesthesia is the first stage, the stage of excitation, which the surgeons see on a day-after giving the patient any other drugs (eter, chloroform, morphine, etc.), and those who, in their effect of the same alcohol as the alcohol, so the medicinal product. This is the phase of excitation do to the z to zero there is no fun in it, while the rest is the nervous system. On the contrary, instead of having to make the rest of it is for pest control, with all the consequences (headache, lethargy, weakness, unwillingness to work, etc.). The Ban-Which was never observed when sober fun. Thus, alcohol is your friend there, but the enemy of the party. It negates the time that the person diverts for fun at home. Instead, he gets a headache in the requirements. Similarly, the spirit works on the fatigue. The day was made for man, as a physical of mental rest with new forces, with the intention to work, he went to work after the holidays.
- Alcohol creates the illusion of relief from stress. In fact, the tension in the brain, in the whole of the nervous system, it is preserved in a when the voltage of the control even more than the errors of the rage. But added to this is the weakening of the will in fatigue.
- Innate Is the need to drink beer, wine, vodka, etc., of the people there. It is not for the light alcoholic products in the tradition of their drinks, without them, we could have done to stay in the sun cause harm to your body, in your friends.
- Conscious Of the choice, or not to drink to drink", we need to know what is the effect of alcohol on the body. "Advertisers" can all of the create a legend concerning the applicability of the alcohol. In the television commercials for a beer called "right", "life-giving", "a real man", who is trying to "bind" spirits, sexual and national minority groups, the Patriotic, the higher the status of the features of the people. Don't be deceived, it is helpful to have objective information, if you want to learn how to make online advertising will be abolished.
- After drinking alcohol increases urine output (diuresis), and there is a loss of water in the salt. After the poisoning, excessive thirst, pulls the brine into the mineral water. Short of the systematic, the main real effects of alcohol on all types of metabolism in a living organism leads to one conclusion: all types of metabolism, such is not. That is, the set of "killer" effects, provides an antiseptic alcohols in the alcohol, the operation must be an obstacle to its use as a beverage.
- The phrase "to you", it's wrong. "Drink" you would have to have nutritional value, it contains a substance which is involved in the diet. These include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins. Alcohol-don't. In the spirits of wine, in the beer quite a bit. To obtain them the day you need to drink this amount to the amount of such liquids, in which the alcohol content is many times higher than a lethal dose.
- The money has been used to be able to have a drink, for example, to buy a car. Using you Can, how many months of the years, you are spending your money on alcohol.
- Often, such connections to the study of foreign scholars, a number of of Munich of the institutions, proving that it is beer, it helps in many diseases. Be the First to he noted, however, that, in all these studies, therefore, have been carried out with financial support from the alcohol industry. As a result, these results are found through the media, but they are hard to find in serious scientific journals, because such journals usually ask authors to specify the funding source of the study is in, if so, whether it is alcohol, tobacco, industry, and the publication of such study, that it is seen as a sign of bad taste.
- In your power to get rid of one more dependency to become free in the be happy!